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Friday, April 15, 2011

Here We Go!

Wecome to my new blog!As I travel around singing with children and presenting music workshops to teachers, parents and librarians, every day seems to bring something new! Whether a new way to sing a song, or make an instrument, or read and sing a book, there is always something generated by my interractions with you and your children, (as well as thoughts inside my head). All of those thoughts and ideas need a home; a place where they can be shared and grow. My emphasis is always on having fun with music, and using it to build early literacy. So stay tuned for Jump in with your own thoughts and ideas!

To get started, I'd like to remind you that this is the time of year to make your own shakers from plastic Easter eggs. They will only be in the stores another two weeks, and then like the Easter Bunny will be gone. I love egg shakers because they are inexpensive, brightly colored (can be used by little ones to learn colors), are washable and easy to make. You will find instructions as well as recommended songs for using them with preschoolers on my website Check the homemade instruments page. There will be much more information coming on homemade instruments, as my summer reading concert this summer, "Sticks and Stones, Seeds and Bones," will be all about making rhythm instruments from objects found both around the house and outside in nature. You can check the summer reading page on my website for more details and recommended free songs to download. Stay tuned!


Eager Pencils said...

Australia!!! Great to hear from you Nancy! Always a treat. love Tesi

Eric Ode said...

Congrats on the blog launch, Nancy! Wishing you many continued successes. Thank you for everything you do.