New parents and teachers can sometimes be intimidated about singing or even reading aloud to children. So here's a tip that will insure you're an instant hit! Nothing tickles children's funny bones more than hearing you change your voice. They don't get to hear adults do this normally, and it's just so weird to them! So when you're reading about a mouse, make your voice very tiny. When you're singing about an itsy bitsy spider, make your voice...well, itsy bitsy! A Dinosaur song? Well, you get the idea. Exaggerate words not only when it makes sense, but randomly. Why infants and children alike find this so amusing is one of life's little mysteries.
Here's a similar idea...
Take a familiar song and sing it with the children in different voices.
Some children will have no trouble making suggestions (happy mad, sad, silly), but some children will need your help with ideas. This works best with short songs, like Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. You can also do this with a short poem or finger play. And don't forget to get your whole face involved ( a little fake crying always draws giggles, too!). The more drama the better! So just have fun with it!
These ideas work well not only in the classroom or while you're reading to your child, but when you're stuck in traffic or changing a diaper, or any other situation where you need a distraction. Everyone will be in a better mood and you'll be building those very "special" memories together!
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